Archive for July, 2020

Back in the Garden

Here I am back in the garden after rather long break. For those of you who have the keen eye you will notice it has been over a year since I last posted. I had the very best of intentions but did not follow through. I can come up with at least a dozen justifications but they would be a waste of your time and mine.



I did have the vegetable garden last year. It was rather small and nothing to write home about, as we used today.

This year however is turning out to be much more. First of all I am doing a lot more flower and other decorative gardening this year – more about that in future posts to come shortly. For another thing the vegetable garden is off to a rather late but dramatic start.

My father always counseled that there was not much point in planting anything here in the valley before late May and that anything planted in May or June would soon catch up because the things planted before May or June were stunted by our typically cool and wet spring. This spring was particularly wet and cool. I kept putting off planting as a result waiting for the soil to warm up.

The photos on this post were taken of the plants in their early childhood stage, on the day of planting in mid-May. Today they are much bigger and thriving but I will make you wait until next post (which I promise will not be a year away) for photos of how things look now.

We are getting lots of blueberries off our six plants right now. We have some herbs already going to seed. This year a friend gave me some seed potatoes he could not use and they are growing like gangbusters. It has been a little cool until this week for the tomatoes but they are flowering and setting fruit. One plan has one nearly edible cherry tomato.

And for new inspiration I have been watching Gardening World, a British program. I love this program. These folks are so knowledgeable about gardening I am learning so much. Here is a hello to Monty Don and his dogs at Long Meadow. If you are in the US like me you can view this great program on Britbox.

OK, now I will taking more photos and writing out all the things I am doing in the garden this year. Posts should be at least weekly just as before.

Happy Gardening,

Dan Murphy